Thursday, January 3, 2013

Approaching Broadway

When I was much younger, our brothers and sisters use to talk about Broadway, Manhattan.
The image of New York city at that time was like a dream or almost like a heavenly place
not only because of our economic level, but also we generally had a lot of positive dream
about America, we talked about how durable American car is and how big it is and we
used to compare to alien UFO ships( maybe it was 1950's Cadillac) and we talked about
how good Elvis Presley and Ann Margaret is also.

There was disappointment when I arrived in New York city in late 1980's...
The city was already becoming aged and city was not clean at all.
and then I had a lot of hardship adjusting my lifestyle..., economically and mentally..
Those hardship made me only stronger and helped developing my paintings over the
longtime period.

Now, I appreciate the city I live around not just for the great architectural buildings, also for
the beautiful people and cozy restaurant, museums and shops, and I realize that
this broadway is getting back the old glory itself.

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